Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Doctor Appointment

I took Jameson to his 6 month check up today, even though he is almost 6.5 months. I can't believe he is 20 lbs and 2 oz and already is 28 inches long.
His pedi kept trying to tell me how important it is for Jameson to be sleeping threw the night.... which is a load of s#@%! I am starting to feel like I need to switch again, I want someone I can talk to and understands what I mean when I spout of my reasons for thinking the way I am thinking. Also as I guessed he wanted to give Jameson a flu shot. I told him I respectfully decline (both my husband and I decided against it) and he continued to tell me why it was a good idea to get one, and that if I changed my mind we could always come back. Then he started getting on me about giving Jameson solids. Nothing about this appointment went smoothly. Ugh.
And now the reaction from the shots is making Jameson so uncomfortable, I ended up giving him some Tylenol and about 30 minutes he was doing a lot better. I hate seeing him like that. :(

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