Wednesday, November 30, 2011

No Poo Update

So I have been doing the "No Poo" wash with my hair for about a month now. It did get pretty greasy for a while but it seems to be getting better now. I was getting concerned that the ends of my hair were really dry and hard to brush out. So I finally decided to to try the apple cider vinegar conditioner, and now I am wondering WTH took me so long. It was so easy to brush my hair out and now it's nice and soft again. :) I think I might just stick this out!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Yesterday was our first Thanksgiving with the little guy. We went up to my parents house as usual. It was so cute, my parents had a little surprise for J, The Lil Zoomers Spinnin' Sounds Speedway. He absolutely loved it!
Dinner went well, Jameson decided to take a nice long nip right before we ate, and I thought he was going to miss his very first Thanksgiving dinner. But right after we said grace the little guy woke up. :) I couldn't have been more happy. He sat and ate him green beans and sweet potatoes like such a big boy. Proud mama!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Baking with a Needy Child

Every year for Thanksgiving I cook pretty much the enitre meal by myself. My mom helps of course with the Turkey, stuffing and and few other minor details, but I always spend the day before and the day of cooking/baking up a storm. Well with Jameson in the picture this year I asked my mom if I could scale back a little. Seeing as how I am a little spoild and refuse to eat a pie make with frozen crust, I offered to make three pies and an array of different diner rolls.
So I wake up today with a very needy teething baby... Oh joy! On a day I need him to just be happy playing for a while. So while baking I had him in his high chair, on the floor with pots and pans, on my back in his carrier (which I had never done before), and napping.
The day was acctually quite a success, minus the fact that I ran out of brown sugar for the topping of my sour cream apple pie and despiritely needed to run to the store. When I bundled up me and the babe and ran out to the car I find myself with a VERY flat tire. So alas, we were stuck at home and I had to call my husband for assistance. So I had to stay up baking until 11:30 since Jake didn't get home until a little after 10. JOY!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jameson's First Meal

I was finally talked into giving Jameson solids last night. I was excited as well, but something in me was just telling me to wait.
Anyways, I was very determined to give him avocado and really wanted him to like it. For the most part I think he was just weirded out about the texture, but he was getting it in his mouth and chewing it around. So now I know..... He is ready for food.

Jameson's first "meal"

At least it was fun to play with

Our much needed bath afterwards

Splish Splash

Friday, November 18, 2011

7 months

I for some reason feel like 7 months is more of a benchmark than 6 months. You look forward to 6 months, love the way it sounds. One half of a year old. Now today, on Jameson's 7 month birthday, I realized how fast he is really growing. He is now pulling himself up on certain things, trying so hard to crawl, has one tooth, and working on 2-3 more. He is no longer that little baby I brought home from the hospital in mid-April, he is now a little man working on growing up. :)

You never know how much you can love someone until you have a child.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Doctor Appointment

I took Jameson to his 6 month check up today, even though he is almost 6.5 months. I can't believe he is 20 lbs and 2 oz and already is 28 inches long.
His pedi kept trying to tell me how important it is for Jameson to be sleeping threw the night.... which is a load of s#@%! I am starting to feel like I need to switch again, I want someone I can talk to and understands what I mean when I spout of my reasons for thinking the way I am thinking. Also as I guessed he wanted to give Jameson a flu shot. I told him I respectfully decline (both my husband and I decided against it) and he continued to tell me why it was a good idea to get one, and that if I changed my mind we could always come back. Then he started getting on me about giving Jameson solids. Nothing about this appointment went smoothly. Ugh.
And now the reaction from the shots is making Jameson so uncomfortable, I ended up giving him some Tylenol and about 30 minutes he was doing a lot better. I hate seeing him like that. :(

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Goodbye Toothless Grin

Jameson now has a little hole in his gums on the bottom right where his very first tooth is popping threw. I so wish I could get a good picture of it! I guess it is time to say goodbye to his adorable little toothless grin and hello teeth.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Coupon Krazy

I have been wanting to get into couponing for a while now. I promised my husband when I was begging him to let me stay home that I would do anything and everything to save us as much money as possible. So today I finally sat down and put together my Krazy Coupon Lady Binder. Now I'm going to be the one at the check stand that no one wants to be behind.
How silly will I feel carrying around a binder while grocery shopping? About as silly as the next girl.... but it will all be worth it. No lets just hope it really makes a different in our grocery bill. I can't stand the fact that for two adults we spend over $400 a month on food, and the doesn't included the multiple times we eat out in a month.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No More Poo

So I have decided to jump on the band wagon and start the "no more poo" trend. One to save money and two to save my hair. I am now trading in my expensive shampoo for a box a baking soda and water.
I washed my hair with the new concoction today and I already thought my hair had a different texture, but my mom said it was all in my head. We shall see.

To read more about "no more poo" go here:

Trick or Treat

My little monster man


Trick or Treat

Hanging out at the Carnival in Fair Oaks

Boo at the Zoo

Riding the Haunted Carousel