Saturday, December 3, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree!

So the first saturday of December every year we go to "hunt" down the perfect Christmas tree. We were so excited this year since this will be Jamesons first Christmas, so this is his very first Christmas tree, it just makes it that much more special. Off we went to our favorite tree farm, popped Jameson in his carrier on my back (his new favorite way to be carrier) and hiked around for 2 hours searching for the perfect tree. We finally found one we liked even though Jake thought it was to short, I told him if it was we could just put it on a box. I like that the damn tree ended up being 8.5 feet tall, short my ass. Once we got it home we had to chop the bottom and some of the top off..... Ohh well it is pretty. I only had enough energy to put the star and the lights on, but we will get to decorating soon.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

No Poo Update

So I have been doing the "No Poo" wash with my hair for about a month now. It did get pretty greasy for a while but it seems to be getting better now. I was getting concerned that the ends of my hair were really dry and hard to brush out. So I finally decided to to try the apple cider vinegar conditioner, and now I am wondering WTH took me so long. It was so easy to brush my hair out and now it's nice and soft again. :) I think I might just stick this out!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Yesterday was our first Thanksgiving with the little guy. We went up to my parents house as usual. It was so cute, my parents had a little surprise for J, The Lil Zoomers Spinnin' Sounds Speedway. He absolutely loved it!
Dinner went well, Jameson decided to take a nice long nip right before we ate, and I thought he was going to miss his very first Thanksgiving dinner. But right after we said grace the little guy woke up. :) I couldn't have been more happy. He sat and ate him green beans and sweet potatoes like such a big boy. Proud mama!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Baking with a Needy Child

Every year for Thanksgiving I cook pretty much the enitre meal by myself. My mom helps of course with the Turkey, stuffing and and few other minor details, but I always spend the day before and the day of cooking/baking up a storm. Well with Jameson in the picture this year I asked my mom if I could scale back a little. Seeing as how I am a little spoild and refuse to eat a pie make with frozen crust, I offered to make three pies and an array of different diner rolls.
So I wake up today with a very needy teething baby... Oh joy! On a day I need him to just be happy playing for a while. So while baking I had him in his high chair, on the floor with pots and pans, on my back in his carrier (which I had never done before), and napping.
The day was acctually quite a success, minus the fact that I ran out of brown sugar for the topping of my sour cream apple pie and despiritely needed to run to the store. When I bundled up me and the babe and ran out to the car I find myself with a VERY flat tire. So alas, we were stuck at home and I had to call my husband for assistance. So I had to stay up baking until 11:30 since Jake didn't get home until a little after 10. JOY!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jameson's First Meal

I was finally talked into giving Jameson solids last night. I was excited as well, but something in me was just telling me to wait.
Anyways, I was very determined to give him avocado and really wanted him to like it. For the most part I think he was just weirded out about the texture, but he was getting it in his mouth and chewing it around. So now I know..... He is ready for food.

Jameson's first "meal"

At least it was fun to play with

Our much needed bath afterwards

Splish Splash

Friday, November 18, 2011

7 months

I for some reason feel like 7 months is more of a benchmark than 6 months. You look forward to 6 months, love the way it sounds. One half of a year old. Now today, on Jameson's 7 month birthday, I realized how fast he is really growing. He is now pulling himself up on certain things, trying so hard to crawl, has one tooth, and working on 2-3 more. He is no longer that little baby I brought home from the hospital in mid-April, he is now a little man working on growing up. :)

You never know how much you can love someone until you have a child.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Doctor Appointment

I took Jameson to his 6 month check up today, even though he is almost 6.5 months. I can't believe he is 20 lbs and 2 oz and already is 28 inches long.
His pedi kept trying to tell me how important it is for Jameson to be sleeping threw the night.... which is a load of s#@%! I am starting to feel like I need to switch again, I want someone I can talk to and understands what I mean when I spout of my reasons for thinking the way I am thinking. Also as I guessed he wanted to give Jameson a flu shot. I told him I respectfully decline (both my husband and I decided against it) and he continued to tell me why it was a good idea to get one, and that if I changed my mind we could always come back. Then he started getting on me about giving Jameson solids. Nothing about this appointment went smoothly. Ugh.
And now the reaction from the shots is making Jameson so uncomfortable, I ended up giving him some Tylenol and about 30 minutes he was doing a lot better. I hate seeing him like that. :(

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Goodbye Toothless Grin

Jameson now has a little hole in his gums on the bottom right where his very first tooth is popping threw. I so wish I could get a good picture of it! I guess it is time to say goodbye to his adorable little toothless grin and hello teeth.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Coupon Krazy

I have been wanting to get into couponing for a while now. I promised my husband when I was begging him to let me stay home that I would do anything and everything to save us as much money as possible. So today I finally sat down and put together my Krazy Coupon Lady Binder. Now I'm going to be the one at the check stand that no one wants to be behind.
How silly will I feel carrying around a binder while grocery shopping? About as silly as the next girl.... but it will all be worth it. No lets just hope it really makes a different in our grocery bill. I can't stand the fact that for two adults we spend over $400 a month on food, and the doesn't included the multiple times we eat out in a month.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No More Poo

So I have decided to jump on the band wagon and start the "no more poo" trend. One to save money and two to save my hair. I am now trading in my expensive shampoo for a box a baking soda and water.
I washed my hair with the new concoction today and I already thought my hair had a different texture, but my mom said it was all in my head. We shall see.

To read more about "no more poo" go here:

Trick or Treat

My little monster man


Trick or Treat

Hanging out at the Carnival in Fair Oaks

Boo at the Zoo

Riding the Haunted Carousel

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Jameson's very first Halloween and I am following him around like the paparazzi! Poor guy. First thing this morning I dressed him in his Halloween monster shirt (which glows in the dark) and took him out to the porch to take some photos. Then we played and took a nice long nap. After waking up we carved pumpkins which Jameson decided ;) (LOL) to get in a pumpkin to take some fun photos! He then decided he was ready to start eating solid food and begin chewing on his pumpkin, there was no stopping him once he started. Then we were off to downtown Fair Oaks for a little carnival and Trick or Treating. We are now back for a little nap and then off to Boo at the Zoo.
He is being such a good little trooper with the crazy busy day! And Mommy and Daddy are having too much FUN!!!

Here are a few pictures.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rotten Pumpkin

We took Jameson to the Pumpkin Patch on the 9th and bought a giant perfect pumpkin to put him in to take some adorable "Baby's First Halloween" photos in. So today I thought would be the perfect day to get my pictures taken and carve up the pumpkin. I put it off because I wanted the pumpkin to last until Halloween, and everyone knows uncarved pumpkins last forever. Well for the past couple of weeks our perfect pumpkin has been just hanging out on our front porch. So I have Jake pick up the giant melon and bring it to the back patio so I can prep it for our little photo shoot while Jameson is taking a little nap. Come to find out the whole bottom of the pumpkin is rotten! I thought well maybe it isn't THAT bad. So I proceed to cut open a hole in the top big enough for my monster child to fit into.... and boy was I wrong. The entire inside of the pumpkin was covered in nasty black mold.
I was so infuriated! No way was I going to put my child in a moldy ass pumpkin. We ended up calling the Pumpkin Patch and explaining our little situation. They explained to us that something to do with the early rain and weirdly hot days made alot of their crop go bad. They said please come back and pick out a new one, no questions asked.
Annoyed but with a solution in view we headed back to the Pumpkin Patch to replace our pumpkin. Man, oh, man. My fuse was shortened very quickly as we were searching through pumpkins that did not even compare to the beauty we had came home with just a mere couple weeks before. These pumpkins were puny and ugly to boot!
After hunting for 30 minutes I gave into the fact that the perfect pumpkin was sitting in the bottom of our green waste container at home and there was not going to be a replacement. I gave in and we brought home this hideous monstrosity that needs to be propped up in order to stand. I'm not even excited about the pumpkin pictures anymore. *sigh* We shall see if I even feel the desire to try and make this joke of a pumpkin work before Halloween.

At least before the death of the perfect pumpkin we got some cute pictures next to it.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Take Two

We retook Jameson's 6 month photos today. These are my faves.....

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Picture People Disappointment

We went to the Picture People for Jameson's 3 month photos and they were fantastic, so we decided a repeat for his 6 months was a good idea. We spent a good hour and a half there... waiting, photos, waiting, view photos, waiting, leave. The horrible immature kid we had as a photographer was awful! He had no fun ideas, no clue how to get Jameson's attention, and half our photos were out of focus.
I am so upset. And now because the photos were so bad we have to go back tomorrow for retakes. Luckily we were able to request the girl we had last time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

6 months

I cannot believe my little baby boy is 6 months old today. A half a year... I have been looking at all our pictures of him and watching how fast he grew from this long thin string bean to a chunky little monkey. It's crazy how he couldn't do anything on his own, to now rolling over like crazy, sitting up like a champ, grabbing and chewing on everything within reach and is nothing but smiles and giggles. I am so proud to be his mother, I can't imagine my life without him. He is the light of my life.

To celebrate,we went up to Grass Valley to visit Nana. We went to the park and had a nice little picnic and went on the swings for the first time, all while wearing his very first pair of chucks. He had such a blast! We all did.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pinterest And A Glass Of Syrah

Every mom needs a little break every now and then. I never thought this was me. Fighting my husband to let me be a SAHM because of the horrible anxiety attacks I was having going back to work. I couldn't/wouldn't be away from my son for any amount of time.
I know finally feel as though I need a break. Not a long break but just a few moments of mommy time, and here it is. Jameson in bed after a long day of visiting with family and playing, and mommy has a big glass of red wine and is just goofing of on pinterest.... ahhh relaxing right?!?!?!
Now my mind is racing with ideas for my business, new things to make, the thought that Christmas is right around the corner and I have so much to do, ahhh..... and then I feel the need to blog about it.
I am now finding the one bad thing about making things to sell for money, I now find making stuff for me and my family almost impossible. I have a knitted billed beanie for Jameson half finished just sitting on my night stand..... staring at me. I. MUST. FINNISH.
Off to work! :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

What A Weekend

Finally I can write about our busy busy but oh so fun weekend. We had Jake's cousin Elton and his wife Kandice stay with us, while running off to a birthday party, a wedding, and going to visit Nana and Papa.

Saturday was a double whammy. Jameson and I headed up to Grass Valley for Miss Brooklynn Rose's first birthday party. I was so nice visiting with friends I haven't seen in some time. I was very sad that we had to leave before she opened her presents or ate her cake but at least we got to celebrate with her for a couple hours. Once we left we booked it to my parents house so that we could get ready. I was really hoping Jameson would take a little nap that was not going to happen. I got ready as fast as I could and with my moms help getting Jameson ready I showed up to my brother-in-laws wedding as soon as they were starting. I was so stressed out that we were not early but at least we made it before they started walking down the isle. Jameson looked so cute all dressed up, everyone was so happy to see him and hold him I barley was able to see my son all night. The wedding was so beautiful. I have never attended at wedding ceremony other than my own. I felt so blessed to be there to share their special day. My hubby didn't look half bad either, I felt so bad that he had to hobble down the isle, but it was something everyone could laugh at.

Sunday Jake wanted to take Elton and Kandice four-wheeling, and since I still don't feel comfortable taking Jameson, J and I went to visit Nana and Papa. They took us the the Draft Horse Classic in Grass Valley. My dad thought it would be a great idea since Jameson loved the little horses at the fair. This was even better. We walked around and saw all sorts of horses. Jameson fell in love with one. He was tugging on his ear and petting him, then got sad when we moved on to see the other horses. He also got to sit on a miniature horse (Bus), it was so cute because Bus was the perfect size for Jameson. Nana and Papa even bought Jameson his very own horse, we named him Douglas.

Needless to say it was nice to just lay low today. We spent sometime outside and took some nice long naps. And while I ran off to the chiropractor for just a few minutes, Jameson decided he was going to say his first word.... "mama" Jake says he said it three times clear as day and was very satisfied with himself afterwards. I can't believe I missed it. I just wish we could get him to do it again.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All I Ask For

... Is to have a changing table in the bathroom! I am so sick of going out with my son and having to walk all the way out back to my car to change his diaper. At least I drive a 4-runner, so I have a nice flat area rather than having to deal with the back seat. But seriously, if your a family restaurant that offers a high chair, don't you think a changing table is a good idea!?!?! Or at the very least a large enough counter so I can change my son's diaper.

Vent over.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Next Size Up

So I finally decided to move Jameson up to his 9 month clothes, it was a hard decision seeing as how all his 9 month clothes are long sleeves and pants, and it is still so warm I had to go buy some short sleeves and shorts to get him by until it starts to cool off. I felt so bad putting him in clothes that gave him a little wedgie and now that he's sitting up his little shorts were really digging into his legs. Now he is all nice and comfy.