Monday, September 26, 2011

What A Weekend

Finally I can write about our busy busy but oh so fun weekend. We had Jake's cousin Elton and his wife Kandice stay with us, while running off to a birthday party, a wedding, and going to visit Nana and Papa.

Saturday was a double whammy. Jameson and I headed up to Grass Valley for Miss Brooklynn Rose's first birthday party. I was so nice visiting with friends I haven't seen in some time. I was very sad that we had to leave before she opened her presents or ate her cake but at least we got to celebrate with her for a couple hours. Once we left we booked it to my parents house so that we could get ready. I was really hoping Jameson would take a little nap that was not going to happen. I got ready as fast as I could and with my moms help getting Jameson ready I showed up to my brother-in-laws wedding as soon as they were starting. I was so stressed out that we were not early but at least we made it before they started walking down the isle. Jameson looked so cute all dressed up, everyone was so happy to see him and hold him I barley was able to see my son all night. The wedding was so beautiful. I have never attended at wedding ceremony other than my own. I felt so blessed to be there to share their special day. My hubby didn't look half bad either, I felt so bad that he had to hobble down the isle, but it was something everyone could laugh at.

Sunday Jake wanted to take Elton and Kandice four-wheeling, and since I still don't feel comfortable taking Jameson, J and I went to visit Nana and Papa. They took us the the Draft Horse Classic in Grass Valley. My dad thought it would be a great idea since Jameson loved the little horses at the fair. This was even better. We walked around and saw all sorts of horses. Jameson fell in love with one. He was tugging on his ear and petting him, then got sad when we moved on to see the other horses. He also got to sit on a miniature horse (Bus), it was so cute because Bus was the perfect size for Jameson. Nana and Papa even bought Jameson his very own horse, we named him Douglas.

Needless to say it was nice to just lay low today. We spent sometime outside and took some nice long naps. And while I ran off to the chiropractor for just a few minutes, Jameson decided he was going to say his first word.... "mama" Jake says he said it three times clear as day and was very satisfied with himself afterwards. I can't believe I missed it. I just wish we could get him to do it again.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All I Ask For

... Is to have a changing table in the bathroom! I am so sick of going out with my son and having to walk all the way out back to my car to change his diaper. At least I drive a 4-runner, so I have a nice flat area rather than having to deal with the back seat. But seriously, if your a family restaurant that offers a high chair, don't you think a changing table is a good idea!?!?! Or at the very least a large enough counter so I can change my son's diaper.

Vent over.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Next Size Up

So I finally decided to move Jameson up to his 9 month clothes, it was a hard decision seeing as how all his 9 month clothes are long sleeves and pants, and it is still so warm I had to go buy some short sleeves and shorts to get him by until it starts to cool off. I felt so bad putting him in clothes that gave him a little wedgie and now that he's sitting up his little shorts were really digging into his legs. Now he is all nice and comfy.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Run Run Run

Boy, were we on the run today. I had so many errands to do: returns, exchanges, and just plan shopping. I always knew having a baby made things take longer, but you never think about the fact that every time you make a stop you have to get out, pull baby out of car seat, haul him around with you/put in carrier/deal with stroller, then put him back in car seat.... it's a freakin' workout. Plus the locker on my car is not locking anything so I have to go around the entire car every time we get out and lock all the doors manually, which is just a PITA. And on top of everything it was just another wonderfully hot California day.

On a good note, I got everything I needed to get done done. And the present I bought for my brother-in-law and soon to be sister-in-law's wedding is awesome, so awesome in fact I will have a hard time giving it away because I want to keep it. I had originally planed to make them a wedding ring quilt but I never got the time.... who knew having a baby would make the days fly by. I still can't believe they are getting married Saturday, I feel like we were just at their engagement dinner last week.

One more nice thing, tomorrow is Nana day and we have nothing that "needs" to get done, so we can spend the whole day just goofing off! So excited to not have an agenda for once.

After our long day running around and a long much needed nap for the little man we went outside to play in the backyard. Unfortunately we were very rudely interrupted by my dear husband turning the sprinklers on on us. At least I got one cute photo of the day before we were soaked and had to run for shelter.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Picture Perfect Sunday



So since daddy was out camping all weekend, Jameson and I had our first little sleepover at Nana and Papa's house. He did amazing. We took his pack'n'play and he slept just like as if we were at home. I know some babies have a really hard time sleeping while not at home, I am one very lucky mommy.  :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sitting Tall

So as we spent a majority of our day in the backyard just enjoying the lovely weather outside, Jameson decided to show me that he is able to sit up on his own.... for about one minute! He sits up solid for about 60 seconds then all of a sudden gets really wobbly and then flops over. He thinks it is funny and giggles when he falls, well most of the time anyways.

He is just so handsome I can't get over it. He is growing so fast, every new little thing he does just makes me more proud.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back To The Pump

After my wonderful experience of the huge abscess that developed in my right breast, my milk supply on that side has been less than plentiful. I have decided to dedicate this week to trying to build it back up. Pumping is my worst enemy. I am pumping 15 minutes every two hours on the dot (set an alarm on my phone).... so far not even getting 1/4 oz. *sigh*
I know he gets more than enough milk only nursing on the one side, but I just can't take it anymore. I am so VERY lop-sided.... and my left arm gets so tired always holding him. Crossing my fingers this helps.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pool Party

In this 100+ degree weather my dear little man feels the need to be outside, so we spent a good amount of time in the pool today! He is such a little water baby.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Time At The Lake

Jake and I took Jameson to Folsom Lake today for the first time. We just wanted a nice relaxing afternoon and that is exactly what we got. We brought a blanket and sat it on the grass in the shade. We hiked down to the beach and Jameson floated around in his life jacket. He loved the fact that it was like he was swimming on his own. We stopped for a little lunch, so wonderful peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and apple sauce... Jameson stuck with milk of course and then it was back to the water. We brought along a little pool floaty so I was able to float around while Jameson kicked and splashed the water. He was having a wonderful time and really tuckered himself out, so then we decided to take a nice little nap in the shade. I couldn't have asked for a better day with my boys.

Ready to go swimming.

Floating around.


Nap time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday With Nana

My mom has every other Tuesday off of work so either she comes down to visit or Jameson and I head up to hill to see her. We had been talking about visiting Burlington Coat Factory for months and today we finally fit it into our schedule, followed by a trip to Ross and lunch at Chili's. It was a great little outing, Jameson is such a good sport when we take him out shopping, and he always makes out the best and comes home with bags of new goodies. Nana spoils her favorite little man.
Jameson got some awesome new ring stacker and LOVES IT!

He also got a cool new bath seat.... pictures coming soon!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

So Called Family Reunion

We were invited to a Family Reunion on my husbands paternal side that was scheduled all day. We showed up at 2:30 pm thinking that most people wouldn't show up until then or later and everyone was leaving... we missed the whole thing. We did stay to hang out for a little bit. And on a good note, Jake got a cute picture of me and Jameson.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Growing Up

Everyday it amazes me at the changes my little guy is going threw. He is starting to roll from his belly to back more often, he sits up like a champ (almost on his own), he has almost enough balance to stand on his own for a little longer than a few seconds, and he is trying so hard to figure out how to crawl. He smiles and giggles all the time and seems so content just being held by his mommy.
It's so crazy looking at the pictures of him the first couple weeks of his life... it is like he is a completely different baby. I can't even imagine what he will be like in another few months. I love watching him grow and learning all these new things, but I am ready for him to SLOW DOWN. I am so very grateful to be home with him now and watch all these wonderful changes.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Big Boy

Yesterday I took my little man (or I should say big boy) to his 4 month physical. He is now officially 17 lbs and 27 inches long. Another pound and a half and he will be double his birth weight. I cannot believe he has grown five and a half inches. It is so funny seeing all his clothes fit great except for the fact that he gets a little wedgie because everything is two short. The vaccines went about the same as last time, luckily this time I had a little Tylenol on hand so it was a little easier to make him happy, but he just wasn't liking anyone touching his legs.
I am a bit annoyed that Jake came with me only because Jameson's doctor decided to spout off about how at 4 months "he should be sleeping through the night" and we need to start sleep training. I am sorry my baby is exclusively breastfeed, breast milk digests in their stomach in 2 hours, he wakes up because he is hungry. I am not going to starve my child. I have done plenty of research on this fact and I will feed my baby when he wakes up due to hunger. The doc gave us one little sheet of paper talking about sleep training and my husband thinks it's the end all be all and we need to start TODAY OR ELSE!!! I told him I'll print out all of what I've read, and we can compare it to what he has read and then we'll talk.
And don't even get me started on the talk about starting solids..... At least he understands that debate a little more. Scratch that is not willing to fight that debate, because he knows he will lose.

Anyways I just thought this was too cute not to share, someone was tired.